Interior Painting can bring amazing atmospheres to the rooms in your home if done properly with thought and skill. That is our goal here at Painters Touch.
The process:
1. Sit down with us to discuss what it is you want done. If need be we can help advise on colour, different paints, sheens, colour placement, ect...
2. Once a plan is in place and we both agree on our course of action and how to get there, the rest is on us!
3. We will quietly work, preparing the room for painting. This usually means, filling holes, sanding, doing caulking, covering areas that do not need paint on them.
4. We will carefully and skilfully apply the paint where needed.
5. After clean up we will go over with you that work we have done, and we look forward to your satisfaction in our work. Once this is achieved we will say good bye for now until the next project.
See pictures of previous projects below.....
Interior Painting